White - a powerful and fundamental color. In most world religions, it symbolizes light, purity, and perfection...
White - a powerful and fundamental color. In most world religions, it symbolizes light, purity, and perfection.

In Christianity, white is associated with the divine and pure. It's always been a symbol of God's perfection and unity with all creation. In Orthodoxy, baptism, birth, and marriage are celebrated with white attire.

For Muslims, white represents holiness and embodies positive qualities. Using it in funeral ceremonies symbolizes a bright sadness and joy, as they see death as a transition to a new level of life.

In Buddhism, white stands for higher knowledge, inner harmony, unity with the world, and absolute wholeness. In occultism, white magic is synonymous with good magic, working for the benefit of people and for good. Ancient Greeks believed sleeping in white would bring good dreams. A powerful symbol of peace for all people on Earth is the white dove. The white flag signifies a universal message of truce. From space, the sun is actually white; its color changes due to Earth's atmosphere, which makes it appear yellow. According to Feng Shui, white symbolizes infinity and purity.

Kundalini yoga adepts always wear all white as they believe it balances, raises vibrations, and expands their aura. Yogi Bhajan, the renowned spiritual leader who brought Kundalini yoga to the Western world, said, "Wearing white increases your aura by one foot." Your aura is an electromagnetic field that stores your life force. A strong aura brings joy and health and inspires others. Moreover, you'll look more radiant due to the nature of white and the expansion of your auric field.

Wearing white enhances your protection. Your aura is your shield, keeping out what you don't need. When it's strong, illness won't get through. Plus, white reflects by nature. All the negativity will just bounce off you! Notice if your mood improves when you wear white!

It's believed that wearing white aids meditation, introspection, and connection with the environment. People will interact with you on a higher level. Yogi Bhajan said, "Colors have a tremendous impact on consciousness. For you, white may be just one color, but for me, it represents the overall balance of all colors. From white light, you can absorb whatever frequencies you need, no matter who you are, because all frequencies are in it."

Try it yourself if you haven't already. How will things change when you start wearing all white? The world will interact with you differently! Note: Be prepared to become visible!