There's a theory about human emotional makeup, like candy. On the outside, a shiny and beautiful wrapper: it's how we want to appear. And beneath the wrapper, the filling is like...
РI told a friend about how, in my relationship with Vladimir Glazunov, I felt like a real woman for the first time. And he said to me, "Awesome:) Can you somehow write what a woman needs to feel like a woman? :)"

I want to say A LOT on this topic, and I've been holding back the urge to be eloquent for several days to describe it more succinctly. Don't judge too harshly; I tried to keep it brief. If anyone needs more details, feel free to message me.

There's a theory about a person's emotional structure, like candy. Outside is a shiny, beautiful wrapper: how we want to appear. And beneath the wrapper is the filling. These are the so-called ego filters: vices (greed, envy, jealousy, various passions, etc.), various shortcomings (laziness, apathy, indifference, irritability), a victim mentality (when you think someone or something else is to blame for your problems or your state), traumas, grievances, complexes, prejudices, dissatisfactions, claims, patterns, opinions, and the desire to impose them, and other unprocessed emotional junk and negativity. When a person looks at the world through the filter of "all my crap," there's a so-called transfer of all this onto others, and it irritates him in them, what he turned away from in himself. If someone judges something in others, it's clear what he doesn't see in himself. And only at the very depth of this candy is your true self - a pure diamond, an instrument of the gods in its manifestation on Earth through the human body.

Most people do what they can to polish and buff their wrapper, admiring its shine, throwing dust into the eyes with the same "candies," showing off their "beauty" and "greatness." In love, they confess to each other without having any idea what it means. There are very few people who would take a shovel and start digging through their crap to get to that diamond, or even dare to honestly look under their wrapper - just a few. Among men, it's a unique rarity, especially because women generally tend to work on themselves much more, just as much more is male ego.

After I closed my past relationship, I programmed the space to meet a person who would see the real me: not through ego filters but directly, seeing the purity of my diamond and the beauty of my soul. Someone who, like me, doesn't care about the shine of the wrapper and is ready to dig deep, go up, to gods, to demons, dig shit, go on reconnaissance, bury the bodies. And when the goal is true, corresponding to the intention of the soul, then the Universe doesn't make you wait long; it even helps and contributes.

So, it sent me all the way to the Amazon jungle in distant Ecuador. And when I met Volodya there and saw his essence from the inside, I was almost blinded. It's such incredible beauty!!! He sparkles with one facet of his purest diamond, and several of my facets wake up and respond at once. I direct my ray at him, and it begins to shimmer with an incredible range. The more we communicate, the more we shine, sparkle, and burn, creating such an incredible joint pattern that can't be described in a fairy tale or with a pen.

From the man's side, it's also a very valuable quality - to create a space for a woman where she can show her vulnerability. Where there is complete trust, and she can safely open her soul: fool around, grieve, allow herself to be small, weak, accepted, understood, good, bad, despite everything, loved, and desired. And only then can she fully, truly give herself. Although everyone needs to learn this - both men and women. Surrendering to a feeling, a process, a person is a subtle and laborious art. I honed this ability in many areas for many years, but as a sex coach and tantrist, I was particularly interested in the question of complete surrender to a partner during sex. Because without it, there is no full-fledged sex, let alone tantra.

It's when you're fully with this person not just by thoughts and feelings. It's when you perceive closeness not through your head but through your heart; not through the mind but through sensations. It's when there is no control or resistance, and the river of life simply carries you in its soft, warm, caring flow. And in these processes, it's often harder for men than for women because when guys let go of control, it's generally bad (it's not easy for women either, but not quite the same). Men, dear ones! And it's essential for us (conscious women). When a man knows how to fully open up and trust 100% and surrender completely, it's something. Ask Vladimir Glazunov how he does it - let him teach you. Moreover, we have an idea to conduct tantric retreats at Castillo Del Sol. Any interest?

Even before Vova, I hadn't encountered "pure" partners (those who looked at life without filters of their own crap), and I, truth be told, wasn't exactly pristine myself. But that's okay because building strong "muscles" requires overcoming and continuous self-work. It took me no less than 10 years. And Volodya, in his retreat center in Ecuador, AmaZen, took this work to completion: he purified me, reassembled me, revived me, strengthened me, and launched me into space. As far as I know and can judge by the result, life didn't spare him either, and he had to work on himself for a damn long time.

But now, it's such an incredible merging into each other, such a subtle and tender yet powerful and passionate interpenetration, such a surrender to each other, to the Absolute and the Divine. They say that gods embody their dreams through the human body. Oh, how passionate they are. And in gratitude, they take us to themselves, show us what Paradise is like. It's such an unbelievably powerful love that we are both in shock: "Can it really be like this?"

It's also very pleasant when a man not only calls you a Goddess but SEES in you that divine essence, admires and fills himself with it, merges with you, and you flow together and shimmer, and all the Gods rejoice, and Paradise comes to Earth. When two souls look at each other, admiring each other's magnificence, and merge in such an incredible dance of love and bliss that it takes your breath away. It's a direct portal not only to the gods but beyond all possible limits. I believe this is the pinnacle not only of human paired interaction but also the meaning of embodiment in the human body in general.

P.S. Some people don't believe me because, in their opinion, my descriptions are too pompous and far from reality. On the contrary, I can say that words and concepts are an extreme limitation and simplification for me. What I actually experience is MUCH MORE powerful than any grandiloquent words or any human concepts.