Arinnity – the Sun Goddess in Hittite mythology, the wife of the King of the Gods, the queen of Heaven and Earth! She is often exalted as the Primordial Goddess or the Goddess of the Earth. Her cult center is the city of Arinna.

I've always loved my name, Arina, and I've always felt a special connection to the Sun. In January 2023, the Universe gifted me a magnificent villa in Costa Rica called the Castle of the Sun (Castillo del Sol), which I transformed into a spiritual retreat center. In one of the castle towers, I created the Sun Temple, where incredible fairy-tale transformations occur with people.

Here, I've gathered a bunch of like-minded folks and kicked off building the community and settlement of the Sun Tribe. If you're spiritually inclined and keen on pitching in to build Heaven on Earth, come on over!

In 2014, with the awakening of my Kundalini energy, a new spiritual chapter of my life began. I started seeking truth in everything around me. It was important for me to know myself and understand how the Universe works. I was fortunate to have world-renowned mentors and teachers who made a valuable contribution to my development. The sacred knowledge I acquired from them, combined with my unique experiences, like pieces of a magical mosaic, shaped the New Arina, the Goddess Arinnity – the queen of Heaven and Earth.

Thanks to the knowledge and experience I've gained, many depths and mysteries of the universe have been revealed to me. I went through the trials of Enlightenment and Ascension. Now, I pass on my inner light and fire to others. I deeply believe that every person can hear the voice of their Soul and reach the Kingdom of Heaven within if they sincerely strive for it.
I am happy to share my experience with people, help them find their life purpose and destiny, and ignite their hearts.
Retreat’s center
Castillo Del Sol Costa Rica
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