Over the past 3 years, I've been receiving realizations about our reality in meditations, dreams, memories, psychedelic trips, and during tantric practices through channeling. Though the pieces came in significant blocks, they remained fragmented until now. But now, I'm absolutely ecstatic because all the puzzle pieces have come together in a coherent picture, thanks to the channeler Patricia Pfister's book "Kryon: The Big Book of Meditations. Messages from the Source."...
Over the past 3 years, I've been receiving realizations about our reality in meditations, dreams, memories, psychedelic trips, and during tantric practices through channeling. Though the pieces came in significant blocks, they remained fragmented until now. But now, I'm absolutely ecstatic because all the puzzle pieces have come together in a coherent picture, thanks to the channeler Patricia Pfister's book "Kryon: The Big Book of Meditations. Messages from the Source."

Remember the famous line from "The Queen of Spades": "What is our life? A game!" Well, that's what I've been carrying with me all this time. Below is a highly condensed description of this game, fragments of which have been revealed to me over 3 years.


So, in this interactive video program called "The Hologram," which is nothing but a projection of light, there exists a collective labeled "Humanity," dwelling on the game board called Earth. Each colored token represents one life within specific conditions. You roll the dice, and when your parents make love, you have a chance to enter the game board - to be born. To achieve your goal, you can simultaneously act in different areas of the game (different times) with multiple tokens (lives).

Author's note: I've witnessed myself living multiple lives simultaneously, only a small portion on Earth, and the rest in numerous dimensions of incredible beauty. This led me to dig deeper and seek explanations.

Shortcuts are laid out in the corners of the board, reducing the overall route. If one token takes a shortcut, then all your other tokens must follow suit. The last point means that when a player from the same team (and teams are formed by individual parts of the soul that together form a whole), let's say your spontaneous earthly personality, decides to take a new path, then all the other personalities in other lives and dimensions must take new paths too!

But one token always remains Home and conducts the others - that's our Higher Self!

Author's note: Periodically, I connect with my Higher Self and, in doing so, can influence the game. It's like only by connecting with it did I realize myself as a real player. Most people, until they too realize this, are simply NPCs (non-player characters). If you don't know, it's a term from computer games referring to characters with a pre-programmed set of actions, controlled by the computer and lacking their own intelligence. In different games, they play extras or perform simple functions, like a vendor, builder, or soldier. Essentially, pawns.

To get onto the field with a shortcut, a new game must begin, but that only happens when the old one ends. To achieve this, you must bring all your tokens to the goal and fulfill all your obligations.

This means letting go of karma and negative emotions, abandoning outdated behavior patterns, etc.

Most people don't hear the calls of their Higher Self and round after round, they spin in the game, always missing the true Goal. Life after life, they repeat the same patterns, albeit in different variations.

The more tokens you have on the game board (remember, from a higher perspective, everything happens simultaneously), the more responsibilities you have, but also the more astounding the results. If you manage to fulfill everything, a miracle happens - your full creative potential unfolds. Then personally for you, a new Golden Age, a new game begins. More players will join you.

In the end, you won't recognize the original game - it completely transforms!

The program allows for choices. There's a main plot, but the player can make their own decisions, and eventually, they won't know where the game will lead them and how it will end. If the end of the game was known in advance, it would lose its sharpness and excitement. The game is designed so that the player doesn't know it's just a game, and for that, their memory is temporarily blocked. Not erased, mind you, just blocked, and it should be restored after the game is over.

Author's note: My memory restoration is happening at an accelerated pace, and I'm remembering so much that I can barely keep up with realization and recording. Sometimes our sluggish human brain simply can't process and interpret it all in time.


The game board Earth is the only Zone of Free Will, and originally, when humans were created, they received infinite potential because nobody knew what they were capable of. However, when their creators realized the implications, measures were taken to limit this potential. The creators got scared of their own creation and had to impose strict boundaries. As a result, human creative power is currently used at no more than 20%, while 80% is restrictions (in other words, suffering). These sufferings lead to inflexible behavior patterns, karma, obligations, and a multitude of negative emotions that tie a person up and increasingly limit their freedom.

To return to freedom and tap into 80-100% of creative energy, in other words, unlimited Free Will, one must rid themselves of these constraints and, for that, a person must set new rules for themselves.

To disconnect from the rules of the Old Energy and shift to the New Energy, one needs to establish new scales and parameters for their own life.

Hence, a complete rewriting of the original life program is required. People need to overcome their initial programs and artificial limitations, stepping out of the paradigm of suffering. Then, tremendous powers will be released.

Author's note: This is absolutely true - powers get released in unimaginable magnitudes. Kundalini starts rushing with tremendous force; the body needs less food and less sleep, illnesses disappear, and creative energy surges in unbelievable proportions.


The collective "Humanity" consists of two parts - Earthlings and aliens, and the aliens themselves are divided into many groups. Hence, some people's nostalgia for their starry homeland... All people are indeed humans and differ only in their origin and past. The past of Earthlings is limited to Earth, and it's much longer than you currently think. It spans millions of years, not just tens of thousands. Earth has witnessed many different cultures in different eras, and there has been enough time to accumulate karma...

On the other hand, the aliens brought with them galactic and/or cosmic karma, which also needs to be redeemed, just like the Earthly one.

This explains why it can be so difficult for them to achieve purification, as they carry extra "baggage." Earth has experienced blows of fate that were partly inflicted from the outside, leading to karmic burdens on extraterrestrial races, which have now come to help Earth with its Ascension and thus redeem their karma.

Author's note: I always felt like the bags of my crap were much bigger than those of other people, and getting rid of them took longer and was more challenging than for others.

Aliens are no more important than Earthlings, and vice versa. Everyone needs each other. Therefore, aliens cannot simply disappear and return to their reality. They must stay until everything comes together for the benefit of all participants, whether they consciously realize it or not. Some aliens are eager to return Home, and there's an absolute rule for that: to return, they must attain a specific frequency of heart vibration. Achieving such frequency requires a lot of hard work on themselves and opening their hearts.

Author's note: I realized I was an alien about three years ago, and at the same time, memories of Home started surfacing, accompanied by an overwhelming longing for it. It's completely different there, unlike Earth, but new articles about it will be ripe soon.


The engine of Creation is located on Earth, and thus, this planet must become a manifested, material place for the Divine Source, a place of power of a special kind, a pilgrimage site for the entire Universe! The "Place of Power" is nothing but a place with a higher vibration than its surroundings. Therefore, it is closer to the Divine Source and is considered a sacred place.

It can be said that whoever controls Earth controls the Divine Source! The new goal of aliens is to transform Earth into such a source!

The uniqueness of all beings, both human-like aliens and Earthlings, extends across multiple levels, primarily lying in their ability to generate vibrations of love in an extraordinarily broad range and intensity. One day, there will be no distinctions between Earthlings and aliens on Earth. There will only be humans with their full potential realized. That is the goal!


On the game board, entities from higher dimensions with high vibrations are always present. Their purpose is to keep the pathways open. Usually, they function as observers and channels (mediums). When needed, they allow energy, or in other words, information, to flow through these channels from higher dimensions, especially during significant changes like now. This has always been the case, but now their numbers are growing every day, as evidenced by the books channeled through them. These books are the results of open channels to higher dimensions.

To keep these channels open, the medium must continue their development constantly.

Personal work is necessary because the development of the surrounding world never ceases.

Author's note: Different mediums connect with their channels differently. I do it through tantric practices. Just yesterday, I was "picked up" and filled with missing pieces of information, which resulted in this article.


When a person awakens, regardless of whether they are an Earthling or an alien, they change the parameters of their life program, which means they expand the limits set for them until they disappear entirely. Here's the truly interesting and remarkable thing: when a person no longer has any boundaries, they become boundless, and since the whole is essentially a "mere" Hologram, there are no other boundaries beyond the initial ones.

In other words, an awakened person carries absolutely unexplored potential within them, about which nobody knows how far it can reach.

What will people create when they fully realize this immense power within themselves and start using it? According to Kryon's information, at the moment, we are only utilizing 1-20% of our creative power. It was artificially limited when the Creators discovered the potential they gave to their creations and its impact on the external environment. But now, step by step, all restrictions are falling away, and the Creators are curious to see where it will lead.


As more and more people managed to glimpse the reality that lies "beyond," the need for Awakening arose – a conscious and accelerated Ascension, as people, whether Earthlings or aliens, became less susceptible to deception. They crave light – revelations, wisdom, love, and knowledge of the Oneness! Many aliens were "artificially" awakened to help Earthlings harness their potential for the benefit of all, for the benefit of the whole, the holographic and the "external."

The true purpose of humans is to carry their extraordinarily powerful heart energy and love everywhere.

First, it will spread here, on Earth, and create the New Time, and then it will move further. The more awakened beings activate their vibrations of love, the stronger Earth will shift towards Ascension. This shift will elevate All-That-Is to an unprecedented level of existence. That is the goal, and for this, human heart energy is needed. According to the original game program, it can reach intensities never seen or felt in this cycle of existence.

The true potential of human love remains unknown to anyone!

So, are we ready to play?