

The purpose of what's written below is not to showcase how cool or special I am. The goal is to share an incredible experience and say, "People, believe in miracles, see your true greatness, beauty,
and divinity."...
The purpose of what's written below is not to showcase how cool or special I am. The goal is to share an incredible experience and say, "People, believe in miracles, see your true greatness, beauty, and divinity."


So, on January 8, 2023, my nearly decade-long journey of self-improvement culminated in the grandest, unparalleled, absolutely astonishing and unexpected apotheosis! I connected with the rapidly growing community of individuals who have experienced a spiritual ascension while still alive.

Merging with the Higher Self
First, through a series of events and practices, I felt my vibrations soaring to unprecedented heights. My vision sharpened remarkably, and I could see homes on the other side of the lake with incredible clarity, every leaf on the trees, and every raindrop on the window. My room was bathed in a fantastic, bright, sparkling light, even though it was an overcast day, and it felt as if everything was floating in the air. Every line and form became absolutely perfect and stunningly beautiful. And then... I don't know if I ascended to my Higher Self or if it descended to me, but we had a complete, delightful, and thrilling merger. Intense, powerful vibrations spread throughout my body. I was filled with an incredibly benevolent divine ecstasy, tears of admiration, gratitude, and bliss flowed. I experienced an incredible sense of freedom, complete dissolution of my ego, and unity with the Light. Interestingly, something changed with my intuition. Over the past year, I had been hearing it more and more, allowing me to make the right decisions every day. However, after the merging experience, the need to listen to my intuition completely disappeared because my Higher Light Self naturally, spontaneously, and automatically did what was right in every moment. Astonishingly, the speed of manifesting desires also changed. Previously, it required numerous magical and ritual actions and an average waiting period of five years for them to come true. Over the last year, the timeframes dramatically shortened to a week or even just one or two days. Now, I only need to think about something, without any ritual actions, and it almost instantly happens. The space has shifted so that what I want is always right in every moment.

The Keeper of Beauty
At some point, the space transformed incredibly. The room became even brighter, with more sparkling sparks. I didn't just see auras around plants; I saw rainbow lightning along the outlines of leaves, charged with multicolored vibrations of love, gratitude, and reverence towards me, the newly-annointed Goddess. I, too, began to experience some sort of rainbow discharges, with pleasantly vibrating sensations throughout my body. —So, that's what you are, life?! I see you! Show yourself to me! And then, everything froze, stopping in a solemn and majestic silence, and space began... communicating with me. — Will you promise to protect and honor the Great Gift of Life? Will you respect the sanctity of your Temples (meaning my dwelling and my body as the temple of the soul) from now on and serve the Sacred Space while following its laws? — Yes, I promise, I said with tears in my eyes, plunging into an infinitely deep and sincere place of selflessness and reverence. At this moment, my "independence and autonomy" handed over all the controls to the Divine Will. True Service seemed absolute, automatic, and the only option.

Heavenly Kingdom
Guys, something incredible began to happen here! In the air, temples of unimaginable beauty sprouted, with colors and shapes continuously changing. I saw patterns and symbols of sacred geometry in many of them. I thought that the notion of "Heavenly Kingdom" must look like this! Given that I wasn't quite in heaven yet, this was probably simply Heaven on Earth. The small onyx stone on my fireplace turned into a three-dimensional light show.
Correct, beautiful shapes flowed into each other, never repeating themselves. It was as if the stone had been allowed the fullness of its joyful self-expression, very reminiscent of this video:
"Welcome to the Subtle Realms," my Higher Self or perhaps the Sacred Space itself communicated to me (and more likely, they are one and the same).

I realized that not only living organisms, crystals, and plants possess consciousness, but everything surrounding us does. Everything is interconnected with delicate, web-like energy threads, and at their intersections, they shine with bright, twinkling points of light.
Amora Guan-Yin writes: "We must once again recognize the sanctity of all things. Whether people, animals, stones, trees, rivers, or any other objects of the natural world serve an apparent purpose or not, they are all sacred and deserving of our respect."

Accessing the Truth
When the thought processes inherent to our brains vanish, knowledge from higher dimensions pours into your consciousness "directly." Still in an expanded state of awareness, I heard from the Higher Presence:

— This is your initiation into accessing the Divine Truth.
Tears welled up in my eyes again, and I felt that I had received a Great Gift.

— I take on the responsibility to live in accordance with the Divine Truth, Love, and Will as per the Divine Plan of Light.

Shiva and Tantra
Truly, the culmination of this day was the sacred sexual union with my beloved spouse. Lord Shiva, the god of yoga and tantra himself, descended from the heavens and initiated me into tantra through Max's body. It was a sacred and, I would even say, a commandment-like and reverential ritual. Through the lingam (which translates from Sanskrit as "wand of light" - a word used in tantra to denote the penis), Shiva entered my body, illuminating it from within and filling every cell with light, as I emerged from his crown just as in the picture below.
- This is your initiation into Tantra, oh my Goddess.

And my eyes welled up with tears of divine ecstasy, joy, and gratitude for another Great Gift I had received that day.

- Thank you for choosing me as your Goddess, - I kept whispering to either Shiva or Max. At some point, it even seemed to me that Max was the reincarnation of Shiva. Although I merged with him to the point where I couldn't tell where one ended and the other began, I was very aware of what I was experiencing. This union created immense beauty, sound, color, movement, and, finally, stillness. I experienced absolute selflessness while maintaining complete and vibrant presence. This profound experience came through tantric sexual union—the source of all awakening.

Amora Guan Yin writes, "After a lifetime of being presented with opportunities to experience any alternatives to Unity, we finally come home. This is the ultimate purpose of existence."