This book will most likely change your life. It will help you completely rethink your views on your own past and present, quickly release emotional wounds, resentments, and grievances towards others...
This book will most likely change your life. It will help you completely rethink your views on your own past and present, quickly release emotional wounds, resentments, and grievances towards others. You'll break free from victimhood, open your heart, and raise your vibrational level. As a result, you'll learn to live more consciously in the present moment, becoming much happier, stronger, and freer.

Below are excerpts from the book with philosophical and spiritual concepts that resonate with my worldview, supported by my personal experience.

Contrary to prevailing Western religious beliefs, we aren't merely people occasionally having a spiritual experience. We are spiritual beings having a human experience.

We chose to fully experience the energy of the human world to heal the traumas of our soul, especially the trauma of feeling separate from God.

The soul enters the physical world to go through human existence - hence our memories and awareness of the world of Divine Truth must be limited; otherwise, the experience wouldn't be complete. We wouldn't be able to fully experience the energies of change, fear, death, limitations, and duality that characterize the physical world if we knew they were all illusory. So, when incarnating, we forget who we truly are, giving ourselves a chance to remember that we are spiritual beings having a human experience.

Although our sensory perceptions make us appear as separate individuals, we are all one. Each of us represents individual vibrations of the same whole.

As vibrations, we live in two worlds simultaneously:

The human world - the world of objective reality perceived by our five senses, which naturally draws us into it, convincing us of its reality. This world contains energetic structures of death, change, fear, limitations, and duality. It serves as an environment where we, as spiritual beings, can undergo the human experience.

The world of Divine Truth - devoid of physical forms, it contains energetic structures of eternal life, constancy, infinite abundance, love, and unity with God. We can't perceive this world with our sensory organs and can hardly comprehend it with our minds. The world of Divine Truth is given to us as inner knowing and extrasensory sensations.

When we vibrate at a low frequency, our bodies remain dense, existing solely in the human world. But when we vibrate at a higher frequency, our bodies become more subtle, resonating with the world of Divine Truth. Developing this connection can be achieved through practices like meditation, prayer, yoga, breathwork, dance, and singing.

Every event in our life happens under Divine guidance, serving a specific purpose and contributing to our ultimate good. The notion that our decisions have some significance in the grand scheme of things is merely the ego's attempt to make each of us feel separate and special. The Universe will resolve everything, no matter what choices we make. However, how we make these decisions – with love or fear, greed or generosity, false pride or humility, dishonesty or sincerity – matters to us personally, as each human decision influences our vibrations.

Free Will
When we decided to experiment with physical incarnation (our way of separating from God), God granted us total free will – the ability to live in this experiment as we choose and independently seek our way back Home.

Life isn't a random event. It has a specific purpose and is directed towards fulfilling the divine plan. To achieve this purpose, we are given the opportunity in every moment to make choices and decisions.

We come into physical life with a mission: to fully experience a certain energetic pattern, to feel the sensations associated with it, and then to transform that energy through love.

We create our own reality through the law of cause and effect. Thoughts are causes that lead to various effects in the physical world. Reality is a reflection of our consciousness. The world is a mirror of our beliefs. Our surroundings play a crucial role in our lives as they reflect distorted perceptions of reality and projections, helping us become aware of repressed material and thus heal.

We learn and grow through relationships with other people. It is through these relationships that we heal our core wounds and return to unity. The law of resonance helps us attract people into our lives who resonate with our own issues so that we can heal. For example, if someone's issue is loneliness, they tend to attract people who eventually abandon them. In a sense, these people are their teachers.

Physical reality is an illusion created by our five senses. Matter consists of interconnected energy fields vibrating at different frequencies.

Human world (ego)
Low-frequency vibrations
Something bad happened
Based on judgments
Focused on the past
Need to figure everything out
Victim consciousness
Judgment of human imperfections
Literal interpretation of events
Only physical reality
Problem seen as external
Let go of resentment
You and I are separate
Everything happens by chance
Life is a random event
Personal control (ego)
Reality is a chain of external events
Death is real

World of Divine Truth
High-frequency vibrations
Nothing bad actually happened
Free from judgments and guilt
Focused on the present
Accepting circumstances as they are
Grace consciousness
Acceptance of human imperfections
Symbolic interpretation of events
Metaphysical reality
Problem is within me (my creation)
Accepting hurt as a given
You and I are one
No such thing as coincidences
Life has purpose and meaning
Soul follows the divine plan
We create our own reality
Death is an illusion

Pseudo-forgiveness lacks authenticity and often disguises condemnation and hidden resentment as forgiveness. It fails to release the victim consciousness – it only reinforces it. However, distinguishing it from traditional forgiveness can be challenging.

Forgiving out of duty is not genuine, yet many of us forgive in this manner. We believe forgiveness is the right and even spiritual thing to do. We think we're obligated to forgive.

Forgiving out of self-righteousness is the complete opposite of forgiveness. When someone forgives others because they believe they are right and righteous while others are foolish or sinful and deserving of pity, it's sheer arrogance.

Bestowing forgiveness is pure self-deception. We don't have the power to grant someone forgiveness. By doing so, we make ourselves gods. Forgiveness is not under our control – it simply happens when we aspire to it.

Pretense forgiveness is pretending not to be angry about something when, in reality, you are. It's not so much forgiveness as suppressing your anger. It's a form of self-denial. This behavior often arises from a fear of not forgiving, a fear of rejection, or a belief that expressing anger is unacceptable.

Forgive and forget is merely denial of the obvious. Forgiveness doesn't mean erasing something from your experience. Wise individuals forgive but do not forget. They seek to appreciate the gift in the situation, learn from it, and remember the lesson.

Excuses – when forgiving, we often explain or justify the offender's behavior. For example, someone might say about their parents: "My father mistreated me because he was mistreated by his parents. He just didn't know other ways of parenting." To forgive is to let go of the past and not let it control you.