Nothing, you hear, NOTHING compares to the absolutely natural energy given to us by nature — Kundalini, which lies dormant until the right moment in the body of every person...
In my life, I've tried almost every psychedelic and many drugs, often mixing a deadly cocktail of 2-5 substances. But nothing, you hear me, NOTHING compares to the absolutely natural energy of Kundalini given to us by nature, which lies dormant in every person's body until the right moment.

Such a powerful energy boost, a surge of sexual and creative energy, an outpouring of unconditional love for the world, unity with the Divine and the entire Universe, incomparable beauty, mysterious mystery, and indescribable happiness that no substance can provide! It's like mixing mushrooms, ecstasy, acid, and spicing it up with amphetamines, all in triple doses at least!!!

It's like an orgasm but on a universal scale!!! It's bliss elevated to the Absolute. There's so much of it that the physical body is simply torn apart. After the first Kundalini awakening in April 2014, I've been working a lot on my body and consciousness to be able to handle so much, but this time the Universe threw another challenge at me. Well, there's no limit to PERFECTION, so let's keep working.

I actually came for a tantric retreat called "Joy of Being," timed to coincide with Mexico's Day of the Dead celebrations (some alternative to Halloween). They mostly talked about the relationship of tantric philosophy to death. What? Death??? - my body exclaimed. Here's LIFE for you!!! And here's the JOY OF BEING!!!

And here, ladies and gentlemen, I haven't slept for three days. They turned it on three days ago, and it hasn't turned off yet. There's a fire in my butt like a rocket, and a beam of light shoots out of my head to the sky.

"Ground the energy into the earth," says the teacher.
"Yes, I'm grounding, grounding, but is the Earth not going to explode?"