

Every person comes to Earth with a purpose, a unique path to tread, and specific tasks to accomplish. ...
Every person comes to Earth with a purpose, a unique path to tread, and specific tasks to accomplish. The physical form, our body, is the manifestation of the soul, a vessel for experiencing, learning, growing, and evolving. As the soul, through its physical form, acquires all it needs for a particular incarnation, it elevates the form back into itself. Ascension is a process where the soul and form become one vessel. It's during this process that the soul returns to the Source of All, God/Goddess/All That Is. Ascension is a profound increase in a person's vibrational level, a transition to a higher state of consciousness and human evolution. It represents the culmination of human experience, residing in the universal energy of love and light. It's stepping out of the so-called "matrix," breaking free from the paradigm of victimhood, suffering, negativity, and darkness, both individually and collectively. It's the release from karma, transcending racial, religious, and cultural boundaries, restrictions, and dogmas.

Entering the Divine Dimension
Ascension is a path of service to humanity and the Universe, entering a higher reality where individuals become channels for divine energy, radiating pure vibrations of divine light. They sense their spiritual essence and unity with all living beings, acknowledging their role in the divine order, dedicating their existence to higher purposes and the elevation of collective planetary consciousness. Amora Guan-Yin writes, "According to the Divine Dimension, each one of us was meant to learn from our experiences, awaken, love, and care for one another and all of Creation, become enlightened, fully merge with our ‘I Am’ Presence in the higher dimensions, anchor higher consciousness and unity in all dimensions, and then ascend. The Spirit of Oneness contains the divine potential of each person to overcome duality, integrate male and female aspects, and merge with the higher God-Goddess consciousness (All That Is)."

Mayan prophets, ancient Egyptians, and various other spiritual sources predicted the time when we would awaken to mastery, enlightenment, and eventually Christ Consciousness, while remaining in human form. The great and mass awakening is what Jesus Christ prepared us for 2000 years ago. Many avatars and enlightened teachers from different eras and cultures have reached the same level of consciousness as him. Jesus demonstrated to the common people that miracles happen and that it's a natural occurrence when people are in direct contact with their Divine Presence. He healed the sick and raised the dead, continually reminding the observers to believe that they could do the same. By calling himself the "Son of God," he showed that everyone is a child of God. Modern esoteric sources state, "When spirit fully descends into matter, we become Christed beings on Earth. This is commonly referred to as the Second Coming of Christ."

The Life of an Ascended Being
In the past, one had to choose between staying in the physical world to give and serve or ascending into the higher realms posthumously. However, the rules of the "game" have changed. You can now be ascended and remain in your physical body. Such a person maintains a higher vibrational frequency and presence, regardless of external circumstances. They lead a more balanced, serene, and joyful life, trusting the world around them and their intuition. They become the architects of their destiny, co-creating their paradise on Earth. They live in abundance on all levels, experiencing the happiness and freedom that comes from living consciously and joyfully.

Beacons of Humanity
Many of these individuals become what we call "beacons of humanity," shining brightly for all to see. They are often referred to as "lightworkers" because they help awaken humanity, illuminating its inner darkness through their healing work, bringing individuals and the collective back into balance and wholeness. They are "spiritual alchemists," embodying the energy of transformation and renewal, directing their inner fire to change the energy around them, creating a ripple effect that extends far beyond themselves, reaching into the hearts and minds of others. By their example, they teach others to respect their unique expression and celebrate their true potential.

I send love and gratitude to those who embrace new knowledge, continually transcend their limitations, confront their fears, and become something more. To those who had the courage to question the illusion of reality, persist in seeking the Truth, and challenge their beliefs and desires that limit Unity.

P.S. You can read about my first ascension experience here.