

My spiritual journey began on April 9, 2014, with a spontaneous Kundalini awakening. And off I went, grabbing onto everything, changing numerous teachers, taking countless courses, attending seminars, retreats, and pilgrimage tours. In 2021, it all became so intense that it feels like it could last several lifetimes in just this one year...
My spiritual journey began on April 9, 2014, with a spontaneous Kundalini awakening. And off I went, grabbing onto everything, changing numerous teachers, taking countless courses, attending seminars, retreats, and pilgrimage tours. In 2021, it all became so intense that it feels like it could last several lifetimes in just this one year.

When reading Patricia Pfister's book "Kryon: The Big Book of Meditations," I was amazed by how her journey into channeling resembled my own.

Kryon about Patricia: "The desire of people to return to a higher vibrational frequency compelled me to awaken her much earlier than planned. In about 7 years, she had to do what would normally take 4 lifetimes. Condensing 320 years of lessons into 7 brought a lot of suffering, confusion, and more."

One participant in my "New Level" course on sexuality wrote: "My inner work has been intense this whole year. It requires so much energy that there's hardly any left for external matters. It's like riding a swing: I deal with one task, enjoy a moment, then a surge of energy, but it doesn't last long, and soon a new challenge comes... Sometimes, it feels like I'm driving myself towards more growth and purification."

Kryon says: "...Human nature tends to resist change and is rather inert when it comes to transformations. Such inert, stable crystalline structures need shaking or even breaking to release what's trapped inside. But these are unusual times, and you go through programs in a short period that would have taken many lifetimes."

In the era of the so-called "Accelerated Awakening," starting in 1987, the first awakened were the Teachers of the New Time, guiding others. Then came the Healers, followed by the Priests and Priestesses. Since 2012, the Warriors of Light started awakening. "Of course, this didn't go unnoticed, and the 'dark angels' sent their armies to interfere," the book says. I'm familiar with this story, as I had to put in a lot of effort to detach from those dark entities.

"Despite these common processes, every soul decides how it will live this time. It's entirely possible to experience all 4 aspects before choosing the one that fits best. You might spend years as a Healer, feeling right at home, and then switch to another aspect."

According to Kryon, each person's purpose is to "identify their main trait and fully develop its potential. To find the main trait, you need to develop all the others, so consciousness can weigh and recognize them." Like me, Patricia lived as a Healer for several years before her Teacher aspect started emerging more. Our task is to "spread special knowledge among people, which will ultimately become help and support for everyone."

Together, representatives of these aspects paved the way to the New Time, and now "Lemurian architects and visionaries are awakening to build a new civilization on the ruins of the old."

The book says, "Your Higher Selves also work together and gather those who must carry out joint actions." Although we have "been given an impulse to return home and a triple-strength guiding beam showing the way home," Kryon urges us to "stay and work for the benefit of humanity in creating the Golden Age."

P.S. If you're interested in learning more about the processes described above, I'm happy to provide additional information.