This is a place that inspires, energizes, uplifts, heals, rejuvenates, and soothes. No one leaves Sedona unchanged, and for many, a single stay here leads to spiritual awakening...
The city of Sedona (in the state of Arizona, USA) is famous for transforming people's lives. It's a place that inspires, charges up, uplifts, heals, restores, and soothes. No one leaves Sedona unchanged, and for many, a single stay here leads to spiritual awakening.

Sedona Vortexes
The word "vortex" translates as a whirlwind or a circular flow. In esoterics, vortexes refer to sacred metaphysical centers on Earth with energy swirling under the influence of heightened electromagnetic radiation.
The landscape, and even the trees, often whirl around in vortices.
Especially high concentration of these vortexes can be found in Sedona (Arizona), recognized as a global center for enlightenment. After all, the energy of these vortexes contributes to healing, self-discovery, and spiritual growth.

Here, you'll encounter numerous pilgrims from around the globe, engaging in various rituals and ceremonies, including yoga and meditation. A substantial community of esoteric practitioners and healers of all kinds resides here on a permanent basis, with wellness centers and specialized stores in operation. Spa centers offer treatments inspired by the local population, incorporating indigenous healing herbs and red clay.
The ancient petroglyphs of the Yavapai tribe, who have lived in this area, indicate that the energy of their "Great Mother" Earth is quite palpable.
In addition to its vortexes, Sedona is renowned for its breathtaking landscapes.
A Glimpse into Other Realms

Last on the list of "10 Ancient Star Gates and Portals to Other Worlds" is Sedona:

"Sedona, a small town in Arizona, was once known to Native American tribes as Nawanda and was the most sacred for them.

It's said that the red rocks of the desert surrounding the town can create vortexes with the ability to transport people to another world or dimension. Native Americans believed these rock formations held a certain spiritual charge. Moreover, they claim that in the nearby mountains, there is the Door of the Gods—a strange stone portal to another time and space.

Local legends tell that three gold prospectors once found this door. One of them walked through it and immediately disappeared, while the other two hastily left the scene, fearing they had angered ancient spirits. They spoke of a clear blue sky beyond the arch, although it was overcast around at that time..."

Sedona and Castaneda
While in Sedona, I discovered that these places are connected to the work of Carlos Castaneda (1925 – 1998), an American writer, Ph.D. in anthropology, ethnographer, esoteric, and mystic, author of the 12-volume bestseller on the "Path of Knowledge."

As part of his preparation for a master's thesis at the anthropology department of the University of California, Los Angeles, Carlos Castaneda decided to conduct field research to explore the thought processes of indigenous American cultures. The research took place in the state of Arizona, USA, and the state of Sonora, Mexico. The result of years of work was the book "The Teachings of Don Juan." The book begins with the author's encounter with the Indian don Juan in the summer of 1960 at a bus stop in Arizona. Carlos's interest in medicinal plants, including peyote, sparked the initial connection.
Peyote is a cactus known for yielding the psychedelic mescaline, the hallucinogenic properties of which have long been recognized by indigenous people from various tribes. They used these plants during spiritual ceremonies. Mescaline not only alters perception and cognitive processes but also leads to altered or trance-like states of consciousness, mystical experiences, and spiritual enlightenments.

Heard from others (haven't personally verified it yet; doing that now), the book talks about one of their first peyote trips Carlos and Don Juan took in Sedona at a certain power spot, which, due to a series of circumstances, we never made it to ☹. They say this place is supposed to "call" you, and if it didn't, well, maybe it's just not meant to be, at least not this time. But I'm not worried because Sedona is an amazing place that gives inspiration, harmony, and beauty. Highly recommend it to everyone!