King Solomon was the third Jewish king, ruling during the peak of the united Kingdom of Israel. He earned great wealth and people's admiration during his lifetime, and his wisdom and fairness became legendary over the centuries...
King Solomon was the third Jewish king, ruling during the peak of the united Kingdom of Israel. He earned great wealth and people's admiration during his lifetime, and his wisdom and fairness became legendary over the centuries. The "Book of Wisdom of Solomon" is part of the Old Testament in both Orthodox and Catholic traditions. In Islam and early Christianity, the six-pointed star was known as the "Seal of Solomon." In the occult, the "Solomon's Star" refers to an eight-pointed star widely used in magic, alchemy, Kabbalah, and other mystical teachings.


As King Solomon descended from the mountain after witnessing the sunrise, those gathered at the foot said:

— You inspire us. Your words transform hearts, and your wisdom enlightens minds. We thirst to hear you.
He smiled and replied:

— You are the light of the world. You are the stars. You are the temple of truth. The Universe dwells within each of you. Immerse your mind in your heart, ask your heart, listen through your love. Blessed are those who know the language of God.

What is the meaning of life?

— Life is a journey, a purpose, and a reward. Life is a dance of Love. Your destiny is to blossom. To BE is a precious gift to the world. Your life is the story of the Universe. Thus, life transcends all theories. Embrace life like a celebration, for life is valuable in itself. Life exists in the present. The meaning lies in being present.

— Why do misfortunes follow us?

You reap what you sow. Misfortunes are of your choosing. Poverty is a human creation. Bitterness results from ignorance. Blaming weakens, desiring dissipates happiness. Awaken, for the poor is one who doesn't know oneself. And those who haven't found the Kingdom of God within are homeless. Poverty comes to those who waste time. Don't let life wither away. Don't let the crowd destroy your soul. Wealth should not be your curse.

— How to overcome misfortunes?

— Do not condemn yourself, for you are divine. Do not compare or divide. Be grateful for all. Rejoice, for joy works miracles. Love yourself, for those who love themselves love all. Bless the dangers, for the brave find bliss. Pray in joy, and misfortune will pass you by. Pray but do not bargain with God. And know that praising is the best prayer, and happiness is the best nourishment for the soul.

What is the secret of abundance?

— Your life is the greatest treasure in God's treasure chest. God is the treasure of the human heart. The wealth inside you is inexhaustible, and the abundance around you is boundless. The world is rich enough for everyone to become rich. So, the more you give, the more you receive. Happiness stands at your doorstep. Embrace abundance. Transform everything into the gold of life. Blessed are those who find treasures within.

— How to live in the light?

Sip from every moment of life, for an un-lived life breeds sorrow. Know that what's inside is outside. The world's darkness comes from a dark heart. You are a seed of the Sun. Happiness is the rising Sun. God-realization is dissolving into light. Enlightenment is the radiance of a thousand suns. Blessed are those who thirst for the light.

— How to attain harmony?

— Live simply. Do no harm. Do not envy. Let doubts purify, not weaken. Devote life to beauty. Create for the sake of creation, not recognition. Treat others as revelations. Transform the past, forgetting it. Bring newness to the world. Fill the body with love. Become a fountain of love, for love ennobles everything. Where there is love, there is God.

— How to achieve perfection in life?

— The happy transform many. The unhappy remain enslaved, as happiness loves freedom. Truly, joy dwells where Freedom resides. Learn the art of happiness. Open yourself to the world, and the world will open to you. By giving up resistance, you become the master.

Looking at everyone with love, he added: - But Silence will reveal much more to you...

Just be Yourself! Live in harmony! Be Yourself!