

According to many esoteric sources, in the last 10 years, there's been a transition to a new level of existence due to the arrival of the New Time - an accelerated process of evolution. The old consciousness with its crystalline grid is rapidly disintegrating, being replaced by the matrix of the New Time...
According to many esoteric sources, in the last 10 years, there's been a transition to a new level of existence due to the arrival of the New Time - an accelerated process of evolution. The old consciousness with its crystalline grid is rapidly disintegrating, being replaced by the matrix of the New Time.

More and more people are becoming interested in spiritual life, seeking truth and sacred meaning. The consciousness of many seekers elevates to a divine level, and their vibrations rise to the frequency of unconditional love. As a result, their lives, bodies, health, financial situation, and surroundings change for the better.

With many who engage in spiritual growth and self-development, shedding old programs, patterns, and closing karmic lessons brings about colossal transformations. This hasn't bypassed me or many in my circle. Friends, don't worry, all unpleasant symptoms are temporary and will pass with time. So, what might be the signs of transitioning to a new level?

Pains throughout the body, especially in the neck, shoulders, and back. I've experienced intense spinal pain for a couple of weeks. Many go through a painful awakening of Kundalini energy, regardless of whether it was previously activated or not. Kundalini literally burns away energy blocks, old programs, and beliefs. This is the result of intensive DNA changes occurring as the New Consciousness awakens within you.

The feeling that time is racing at an extraordinary pace, and the current carries you, making swift turns. Sometimes you barely realize how you ended up in another place or dimension. Events in the past year, or even the past month, for many of us, amount to more than in our entire previous lives. Meetings, acquaintances, partings, gains, losses, adventures, realizations – all zoom by like a fast-forwarded film. It's like the breath of life quickened after a good run. You feel like you're rushing at full sail, and the tailwind keeps gaining speed. You want to live, run, accomplish, create, love, and do so much all at once. On one hand, you achieve multiple times more than before, but on the other hand, time is still catastrophically insufficient.

You may experience a deep inner sadness without an apparent reason. You're freeing yourself from your past, spanning through this life and past lives, which can evoke a sense of melancholy. It's like moving from a home where you lived for many years to a new one. You're excited about the move, but at the same time, parting with the memories, energies, and experiences in the old home feels bittersweet. If tears come without any specific cause, allow yourself to cry it out, as it helps release the old energy still lingering within you. The departure of the old can also manifest in material ways, like losing old photographs or relics.

Unexpected changes in work, activities, or living arrangements are very typical during this transition. As you change, everything around you changes too. Don't worry about finding the "perfect" job or place to live right away. This phase is transitional, and you might switch jobs or move a few times before settling into what truly resonates with your heart.

I've witnessed a mass exodus from outdated friendships, family connections, and relationships in my circle. As you complete karmic cycles, the ties of old relationships start to loosen. At first, it might feel like you're drifting away from your family and friends. This too shall pass, and over time, you can create entirely new relationships with them if needed or desired. These new relationships will be built on a foundation of fresh energy, free from karmic entanglements.

Many of us have encountered changes in sleep patterns: insomnia or waking up early at 4-5 am. During sleep, immense inner work is taking place, and paradoxically, you wake up to rest. Some have such heightened energy and vibrations that their bodies require significantly less time for rest and sleep. If you can't fall asleep, it's better to get up and do something than to lie in bed thinking about worldly worries.

Even dreams have become more vivid and dynamic for many. You might dream of wars, battles, persecutions, and monsters. Personally, I've had nightmares of such universal scale that sometimes it felt like my heart would explode. Unexpected characters from the past you've long forgotten may resurface in dreams. This process helps free memory cells from old energies, characters, and emotions, symbolically represented through wars or fleeing from something.

At times, you'll feel very ungrounded. Your spatial orientation may be off, feeling like you can't firmly stand on the ground or that you exist between two worlds. Your consciousness is entering new energy while your body might lag behind due to its denser material energy. Ground the new energy within you: spend more time in nature, walk barefoot on sand and grass.

Many find themselves having prolonged conversations with themselves. Inside your being, a new level of communication and self-talk is maturing – it's like the tip of the iceberg. These conversations will increase, becoming freer, in tune with the moment, and filled with insights. Don't think you're going crazy – you're simply one of the Awakened, embracing new energies. Consider keeping a journal to record your insights and dreams.

You might feel lonely and disconnected from others or have a desire to avoid large groups and crowds. Like any Awakened being, your path is sacred and solitary. The sense of loneliness is also related to old ideals crumbling, old idols and teachers falling off their pedestals – those who journeyed with you from life to life. Now, it's time for them to depart so you can fill your space with your own Divinity. This symptom will pass too, and the inner void will be filled with new energies and unconditional love for yourself, the world, and people. However lonely and dark your journey may seem at times, remember, you're never alone.

You might feel absolute indifference or a complete lack of desire to do anything. It's normal; it's just part of the ongoing process. Embrace it as a time of "non-doing." Don't fight yourself, as this too shall pass. It's like rebooting a computer – you need to shut it down for a while to load new, more complex software.

You may, like me, experience a deep and all-encompassing longing to leave our planet and return Home. It's not a desire for "suicide" or disappointment. The main reason is that you've completed your karmic cycles, fulfilled your life contract in this incarnation, and you're ready to start a new life while still in this body. In the process of transition, you retain an inner memory of what it's like to be on the other side. How ready are you to sign up for a new journey to fulfill your mission here on Earth? Are you willing to embrace the challenge and step into the New Energy?

Yes, we can indeed go Home right now. But we've come so far, after so many lifetimes, and we can't leave without experiencing the happy ending. Besides, Spirit needs us here to help others transition into the New Energy. They will need a spiritual guide in human form, just like us, who have already moved from the old energy to the new. The path we're walking now gives us the experience necessary to become Teachers of the New Divine Human.