"She's so powerful that upon awakening, she can completely transform a person."...
In November 2013, I first learned about Kundalini from the book "Tantra: Partner Yoga" by Lev Ivanovich Teternikov. The concept of Kundalini holds a central place in both yoga and tantra, with a whole chapter dedicated to this powerful energy residing at the base of the spinal column.

"It's so powerful that its awakening can completely transform a person. The awakened Kundalini allows the manifestation of siddhis - extraordinary human abilities. It's not just intuitive understanding and clairvoyance; it's also the control of gravity and the ability to perform other actions, the mechanisms of which cannot be explained by the concepts of modern science."

The author vividly described the experiences of many people during Kundalini awakenings. At the time, the information seemed interesting but utterly useless to me because, as the book stated, "Kundalini can awaken and rise as a result of many years of spiritual practice." I had neither the spiritual practice nor the intention to acquire it. It all seemed too complex.

"Kundalini is so attractive that modern yoga enthusiasts often lose common sense if promised its awakening."

I had no intention of losing my common sense for that. There were no people in my surroundings promising to awaken my Kundalini.

I considered all this information absolutely useless since, at that moment, I unwittingly laid a neural pathway in my brain that prepared me for the spontaneous awakening of Kundalini five months later in April 2014. In my article "Contagious Squirting," I wrote about the benefits of recognizing the experiences of others and how the lack of timely information can spoil any beautiful experience.

"It's known that the spontaneous rising of Kundalini in unprepared individuals causes psychophysical disorders and sometimes ends with a stay in a special clinic," writes Teternikov. "The elementary lack of knowledge among neuropathologists and so-called 'experts in mental illnesses' multiplies the ranks of schizophrenics."

I can unequivocally confirm that the awakened Kundalini indeed blows the mind and shifts consciousness so much so that without all this preliminary information, I could very well have ended up in a psychiatric hospital and joined the ranks of those schizophrenics.

Kundalini and Spirituality

"In Yoga, spirituality is often linked to Kundalini. Moreover, in some schools, it is believed that the rise of Kundalini automatically makes a person almost holy, and spirituality depends on the rise of Kundalini. Holy Ramakrishna said that the awakening of a person's spiritual consciousness is impossible until Kundalini awakens. And Gopi Krishna, a teacher from Kashmir, a recognized modern master of Kundalini, believes that Kundalini is a fundamental evolutionary mechanism that triggers all mental and spiritual phenomena. It is the engine that moves all bioenergy in the human body."

Various schools and directions of yoga and martial arts use a myriad of techniques and practices to awaken Kundalini. Its awakening is most often the result of many years of spiritual practice. In my case, it all happened the other way around: my spiritual path began with the spontaneous awakening of Kundalini!

"And although it is in our body, it belongs to 'that' world, the world of God, the world of continuous information-energy reality."

During the awakening, I truly felt connected to "that" world, to the Absolute, God, Higher Self (all these pompous words, as I used to think, gained tangible meaning for me). I felt with all my being the sense of all-encompassing divine ecstasy, love, bliss, happiness, joy, inner peace, unity with the world, and cosmic harmony. It was as if I surrendered myself to the energy of the Holy Spirit.

Kundalini and Sex

"The divine power of Kundalini is directly related to the energy of creation, to sexual energy. The rise of Kundalini is often accompanied by ecstatic joy, sexual arousal, or deeper pleasure. In women, this can evoke ecstatic and profound orgasm."

From my own experience, I can confirm every word.