Oh, folks, something mind-blowing is happening here...
Oh, folks, something mind-blowing is happening here. After experimenting with diving into mindlessness and intensifying my focus on being in the moment, I realized that it's a powerful portal not only to the divine but also to the mystical mysteries of existence and the enchantment of tangible magic. Before, I accessed these levels through meditations, tantric sex (which can also be considered a form of meditation), psychedelics, various mystical and magical rituals, and other practices.

Lately, I've been constantly contemplating the expression that GODS EMBODY THEIR DREAMS THROUGH PEOPLE, and experimenting a lot with it. The other day, I tried not just to connect my human and divine essence, as I did before but to consciously control my avatar (the physical shell or simply the body given for this specific incarnation; I personally like to call it the "leathery case") from a godly state. No, not quite. My Goddess started creating through my body. Still not it. My divine essence gained the ability to manifest itself and create in the material world through my human essence. Now that's it! The body, the brain, and everything associated with them are just tools for accomplishing this task. The existing material resources are not a stroke of luck; they are the result of a successful game, in both past and present lives, as well as the result of serious self-work and the successful application of magical techniques.

The game is played by our souls eternally, and we return to it each time at the level of our development and with the resources where we left off in the previous incarnation. For a long time, numerous soul avatars coming here incarnation after incarnation are not aware of the existence of this game. However, for me personally, it's time to become aware of it and start playing together, along with my divine essence. Many conditions must be met for this, and one of them is the successful completion of the "human game," about which I wrote something in the past, as I have been diving into this topic for several years.

10 Rules of the Human Game
Are We Playing the Hologram?

In the latest, I write that "the true purpose of people is to spread their incredibly powerful heart and love energy everywhere." And it really is!!! But... it's just one of the many levels of the GREAT COSMIC GAME, which continues ETERNALLY. It's just a "love test," and there are plenty of tests and setups in this game.

From this height, it's clear who has already become aware or is about to, and who will remain in the role of an NPC (mass character) until the end of incarnation, who has real resources, and who is bluffing, what hides behind the poker face, and many different spicy details of life that either subtly or radically differ from what most earthlings see (i.e., everyone not yet aware). It's amusing to see when people deliberately hide something from others, fully confident that it is really a secret for everyone. Or that most people hide even from themselves. It's also fun to observe all these games of duality and "who's for whom": for the light or the dark, good or bad, kindness or evil, and other illusory tricks of this game. Perhaps people with such expanded perception are called clairvoyants or those who know the invisible planes of being, seers. Carlos Castaneda called those who have access to the invisible other planes of being. Those who can change and manipulate this illusion, magicians. So you can consider me one of them. Just by the rules of the game, I can't tell you what or who I see here because you must become aware at this level and see everything for YOURSELF. But I can teach you how to get there and help "open your eyes." That's precisely what I plan to do in Castillo Del Sol (among other things).

When you are here, there are no doubts that the so-called "reality" is indeed an illusion! But it's heartening that this shining illusion is manageable!!! And that you're back in the game!!! Our bodies and roles change, but the soul/divine essence is the same, and it remembers everything, waiting for us to figure out all our emotions, relationships, karma, exit from the matrix, and other human quirks. Many of us get so caught up "in being human" and in our sufferings or get so carried away with the gifts and curses of the material world that we forget that we are "spiritual beings temporarily experiencing human existence" (quote from the book "Radical Forgiveness") and severely hinder not only the development and movement of our soul but also lose move after move in the BIG GAME.

Before, I approached tantric sex from a "human" perspective. Once connected with a partner, we reached divine levels together, merging into unity. It was amazing! However, being a great experimenter, I decided to change the technique. Now, I enter sexual interaction directly from the position of a human embodying divine essence. Then, my partner and I seamlessly blend into a shared sacred flow, carrying us in its whirl, in eternal movement, creation, and unspeakable divine beauty. It's some unreal fantasy! These flights transcend not only the astral but go beyond all limits—such enlightenments, energy explosions, magic, sensations, and visuals of stunning beauty I've never experienced before. And this was over the phone. What will happen when we connect physically? Well, I have to wait for two more weeks, but I'll definitely keep you posted.

At some point, my partner told me he got disconnected from the process. I understood it was MY fault because I allowed thoughts to pull me out of the moment, distracting me from the "here and now" state. Thoughts are the kind of human loophole that needs to be cleverly organized within your consciousness if you aim to go higher and further because the unrestrained mind's task is to immediately disconnect both from the Higher and the "thinker" itself and its partner. So, in such cases, you urgently need to return to the body, the process, and your loved one. If you need techniques for this, feel free to ask!

Enjoy your intriguing play!