

I want to share a unique experience of somatic-psychological work that I had with the amazing specialist, Taya Shopen...
I want to share a unique experience of somatic-psychological work that I had with the amazing specialist, Taya Shopen.

The practice of so-called sacred womb-wrapping has been known in many cultures since ancient times. It's a meeting with your inner child and a journey to the deepest realms of the subconscious that I couldn't reach through any other means after years of intensive work.

As wounded beings, affected by the system, parents, school, state, life hardships, tough circumstances, physical and moral violence, we go through life seeking a "mother" who will understand, embrace, protect, and unconditionally love us, someone who will accept us just as we are, with all our quirks and imperfections, someone who will help, save, and guide us in life.

"But Mom won't come!" says Taya. You look at her and think, "There she is – the mother I've been searching for all my life!" But no! Taya gently and tenderly teaches you to become that mother to yourself! And no one can give it to us but ourselves! You know what we often do? We start expecting this from our partner, get upset that we don't feel loved, understood, and accepted. As if it's their responsibility, not our own. As if they aren't misunderstood, unaccepted, and hurt children themselves, just like us.

Taya reprograms your harmful patterns, helps heal wounds, work through traumas, and delves into the depths of your soul that you didn't even suspect existed. And the most crucial result of this work is healing – becoming whole again.

From a technical standpoint, I arrived on Monday morning, and we headed to hot springs, where we stayed until the end of the day. There, we built closeness and trust, essential elements to shed defenses, allow ourselves to be vulnerable, open up, and surrender. On Tuesday morning, we began the process. In the garden, we collected medicinal herbs that Taya shared fascinating information about, just like everything else she talks about and writes. We made a pouch from the herbs, which was used to prepare a decoction and for bodywork in the sauna.

Various variations of sauna baths have been used in shamanism (or nowadays in psychosomatic work) across many cultures. In the luxurious wood-fired sauna, Taya had a bunch of procedures for us: using leafy birch branches, pouring herbal decoctions, different types of massages (including a massage with the herbal pouch we collected and "enchanted"), cold plunges, and therapeutic conversations by the campfire.

Then came the practice of "constellations," a technique Taya frequently uses in her work, more conversations, different massage techniques, and, of course, the womb-wrapping itself, after which I fell asleep like a baby. It all ended around 1 a.m. Honestly, I regretted having to leave on Wednesday. I recommend going for a two-day package instead of just one, like I did.

This ritual was dedicated to my "dying." Yes, old Arina had to die. Along with the remaining traumas, misconceptions, limiting beliefs, and those parts of myself that no longer serve and hinder my growth and full acceptance of life with all its quirks. Taya and I agreed to meet again for a ritual of birthing the new me. I just need a bit of time to fully let go of the old and complete the ongoing processes of reprogramming and rebuilding myself.

P.S. If you're curious to know more about this practice, you can Google "sacred womb-wrapping." The experience largely depends on the specialist, and let me tell you, Taya is exactly what you need.