Healers of Ancient China believed that embodying wisdom supports the vitality of the body, enhancing the circulation of life energy...
Wise fingers, often referred to as yoga fingers (or hasta yoga), carry both energetic and sacred meanings, used for both healing the body and "igniting the spiritual fire." Ancient Chinese healers believed that performing mudras supports the body's vitality by enhancing the circulation of life energy. Numerous acupuncture points and reflex zones are located on the palms and fingers, the influence on which is utilized in classical Chinese acupuncture, Korean su-jok therapy, Japanese shiatsu acupressure, and other methods. Some ancient cultures were convinced that hands could "see," possessing insights that they then translated into mystical gestures.

Two interesting points have emerged:
1. Despite mudras being attributes of Hinduism and Buddhism, many Christian icons depict saints with gestures similar to mudras.
2. Could the origin of words like "wisdom" and "wise" be traced back to this? While I haven't found a clear etymology of these words in the Russian language, many languages have similar words with similar meanings.
In Christian iconography, it's one of the most frequently used symbols. According to Chinese natural philosophy, Earth is one of the primary elements that make up our bodies, one of the forces shaping our personality type and predisposition to certain illnesses. It's recommended for mental weakness and during times of stress. It restores objective self-esteem and self-trust while also providing protection against external negative energy influences. There's a particularly high concentration of such vortexes in Sedona, Arizona, recognized as a global center for enlightenment. After all, the energy of these vortexes contributes to healing, self-discovery, and spiritual growth.
Following this wisdom balances the energy potential of the entire body, enhances its life forces, boosts performance, provides vitality, endurance, improves overall well-being, and uplifts the mood.
At the core of life and movement is energy. The Apana Mudra helps to find internal harmony and balance, cultivate patience, and enhance visualization – a crucial factor in setting new tasks and goals. It also contributes to the removal of toxins and harmful substances from the body, aids in various forms of poisoning, including easing hangovers, addressing urinary issues, and promoting liver health.
Alongside the wise earth, this is one of the most popular mudras in Christian icons. I liked that even the little Jesus in the icon of the Kazan Mother of God holds his fingers in the "window of wisdom." Performing this mudra contributes to the opening of important life centers, activates mental activity, and promotes cognitive development. Regular practice of this mudra is recommended for disorders of cerebral circulation, as well as for vascular sclerosis of the brain.


One of the most important tips for spiritual balance. It has the power to relieve emotional tension and anxiety. Recommended for signs of restlessness, melancholy, sadness, longing, and depression. It enhances memory and thinking. When performed, it focuses on a person's potential capabilities.


In Chinese medicine, Wind is one of the five elements causing harm. Its imbalance leads to "Wind diseases." Indications include rheumatism, radiculitis, trembling of hands, neck, and head. In chronic conditions, this practice should be alternated with the Wisdom of Life.


The "Heaven" Mudra is not named for divine forces but for its connection to the "upper man" - his head. It can help restore hearing and assist with ear ailments.