There's this beautiful chandelier called Isita Gaya. The chandelier's mission is to connect you with your soul and your higher aspects through its channel, conveying messages from so-called mentors from the "higher realms"...
In this vast world, there's a marvelous channeler named Isita Gaya. The mission of this channeler is to connect you with your soul and higher aspects, delivering messages from so-called mentors from "higher realms." The purer the channel, the more truthful the information. On November 13 last year, Isita predicted that within a year, I would encounter my twin flame. And, as they say, in less than a year... just a month ago, I had my epic meeting with Vladimir Glazunov!!!

There are many scenarios for the interaction of twin tribes after their encounter. From heart-wrenching struggles to the peaks of human experience in love and creation. With Vova (Vladimir), we embarked on the latter scenario. If you're interested, let me share the details.

First, the theory. When a new soul is conceived before its first incarnation on Earth, it splits into two halves: the divine masculine and the divine feminine, yin and yang, Shiva and Shakti. It divides to experience duality and overcome the illusion of separation, merging into one whole - embodying the fundamental task of tantra (which, by the way, Vova and I plan to teach at Castillo Del Sol). In all their thousands of incarnations, they accumulate earthly experience separately, never incarnating together. And in their last, or so-called "crowning," incarnation, they meet and merge all their earthly experiences into one. Upon separation, each of these halves becomes a carrier of the so-called soul codes, which can be activated only upon the meeting of these two individuals. This is when a profound awakening of their essence occurs, a complete transformation of consciousness, an incredible expansion of the worldview, revealing new abilities, heightened intuition, talents awakening, as well as phenomena like clairvoyance, clairaudience, clairsentience, claircognizance, and other gifts. For me, for example, codes of sacred geometry poured down in an incredible stream. The primary task of their physical union on Earth is to channel strong energies of pure unconditional love and teach true love to others. In doing so, they help the planet transition to higher vibrations. So, their encounter is not a romantic fairy tale for ego satisfaction or a cocktail of hormones in ordinary human infatuation. It is a service to the planet and all beings living on it.

Reuniting happens only when both partners are ready for this meeting. Each of them must do tremendous work on themselves – go through all karmic lessons with previous partners, get rid of any negativity, heal their inner demons, enhance their integrity, mindfulness, self-worth, become the best version of themselves, and an independent source of inner light, unconditional happiness, and love, balance, and harmony within. These are not relationships born out of emptiness and the desire to fill it, but out of abundance and the desire to share, for joint joy and creation, not to compensate for any deficiencies (love, mutual understanding, etc.). It's mutual love at first sight and an incredible attraction from the first seconds of meeting because there is a mind-blowing recognition – a clear understanding that you've met something of your own and long-familiar, and that you've always loved this person. It's when you look at the other as in a mirror, and the only difference is the physical form, but inside, the essence is one. It's similar interests, tastes, views on life, aspirations, values, desires, and dreams. It's a connection not only on a physical and emotional level but also on a soulful, spiritual, transcendental, galactic, and all possible levels, in principle. It's a ticket to subtle worlds and higher matters. People like this (not just Vova and me) are united by spirituality, esotericism, shamanism, magic, mysticism, psychedelics, transcendental journeys, and much more "not of this world." As Vova told me, "I love most that you are as star-crazy as I am." And I absolutely love that too!!! So now we walk through the world - starry-eyed and blissful.

It's also an incredible mental connection – when the same thoughts think themselves through us at the same time and in the same way. It's when words and explanations are not needed because they are an unforgivable limitation. It's when one look is enough to sense each other's state and mood or to receive a silent answer to your equally silent question. It's constant telepathic communication and the feeling of being close even when we are on different continents, like now. It's when phone sex brings as much pleasure as physical closeness with other partners throughout the entire previous life combined.

And I also like feeling like a Creator. It seems that we created each other for each other. When you look at him as a work of your own art and realize that there is absolutely nothing more magnificent. When you praise yourself continuously: oh, how cool I did it – ten times better than my human imagination could suggest! Occasionally, I feel like Pygmalion, falling in love with my own creation!

People say the energy produced by such a couple is extremely powerful, and it's often physically challenging to handle. I can definitely confirm that! Sometimes, just a simple touch without any erotic motives makes our bodies tremble and shiver in a way they never did during ordinary human orgasms. As for sex, well, let's not even talk about it—it's like this colossal galactic explosion, and after it, it's almost strange that the brain didn't melt, the body didn't evaporate, and the Universe still continues to exist. We burn and smolder not only when we're close but even when thousands of kilometers apart, and yes, it can be physically demanding.

Before, I understood that self-improvement would lead to something good, but I probably didn't even anticipate it being THIS intense!