

Adding to my article about tantric orgasm, which I see as an unbroken series of evolving mandalas...
Adding to my article about tantric orgasm, which I see as an unbroken series of evolving mandalas.

A mandala (or yantra) is a sacred mystical image used in Buddhist, Hindu, and other esoteric practices. Each carries a specific energetic charge and has a distinct effect on the individual. The elements and structure of a yantra determine its functional purpose: the areas it influences, the intensity, and the type of energetic impact. Carl Jung identified the mandala as an archetypal symbol of human wholeness, now used in psychotherapy to achieve self-understanding. The center of a yantra is called "bindu," representing the "chakra of supreme bliss" or the "seed of the entire universe."


Among all tantric yantras, it is the most famous and one of the oldest symbols of humanity. It embodies the fundamental archetype of the Universe, providing an image of existence's completeness and unity. One of its crucial functions is acting as an antenna, connecting individual consciousness to the Creator's Consciousness. This sacred symbol carries potent benevolent energies for protection and support. Representing a mystical cosmic device, the Shri Yantra forms from the intersection of triangles in two directions: four-pointing upwards, symbolizing the masculine principle, and five-pointing downwards, symbolizing the feminine principle.


This geometric figure is formed by the intersection of evenly spaced circles with the same radius. The circles create a symmetrical six-petal pattern, resembling a flower. The Flower of Life is considered one of the most vital symbols in sacred geometry, often called the "universal forgotten language of creation." It provides insight into the form of space and time, unlocking knowledge stored in the deep memory of living and non-living entities in our world. It's believed to possess unique energies that can heal the body, soul, and grant wishes.

More complex mandalas consist of multiple geometric figures, and that's not all. In tantric tradition, yantras are voluminous multidimensional structures, best explained through the example of the Merkaba.


One of the most powerful symbols for healing, balance, spiritual growth, and connecting with the higher self. It's an energetic Light Field that surrounds the physical body and creates energy fields on the physical, subtle, and mental planes. It consists of two interconnected tetrahedra. The upward-facing tetrahedron is called the Solar or Masculine, and the downward-facing one is called the Lunar or Feminine. In one spiritual school, the Merkaba is described as the interaction between the three bodies: physical, astral, and mental. The physical body plays the role of a stator (stationary part). The upward tetrahedron must rotate clockwise, and the downward tetrahedron must rotate counterclockwise. When the subtle bodies rotate at a specific speed called the critical speed, the field around the person transforms into a crystal, known as the activated Merkaba. If a person activates their superpowers and possesses knowledge of the subtle planes, they can perform miracles – travel through space, levitate, access parallel worlds, visit other planets in subtle bodies, and more.

In other words, any mandala is much more than a geometric figure. Now imagine the sensations when during orgasm, you transform into these multidimensional structures that continuously flow into one another, each capable of performing miracles, profoundly altering not just your brain's alchemy but your entire essence.

Wishing you miraculous orgasms!