Many wonder how to have enough energy to achieve their goals, be creative, and live a happy life...
Many wonder how to have enough energy to achieve their goals, be creative, and live a happy life. Some even struggle to have enough energy for daily tasks and existence. Well, the first step is to stop squandering your energy. Here are the main sources of energy leaks from the perspective of tantric philosophy. Once we eliminate these leaks, we can focus on cultivating and accumulating energy.

1.Exhaustion from excessive work or stress
Your mind may convince you that you can't afford to do less, but you can! According to yoga tradition, to stay healthy and clear-minded, you need at least four hours of rest daily, one full day off each week, and one full month of vacation each year. And this isn't just absence from work but complete disconnection from email and daily tasks.

2.Physical overexertion
This includes fatigue from overworking (point 1), heavy physical labor, excessive workouts, lack of sufficient sleep due to a chaotic lifestyle, or inadequate nutrition needed for proper functioning of organs and bodily systems.

3.Excessive emotional reactivity
When you react with overwhelming anger, aggression, spite, offense, or irritability towards others, especially towards yourself and your actions, it leads to massive energy losses.

4.Losing touch with the present moment
This state occurs when you get lost in thoughts, disconnected from reality, living in the past or future, or lost in fantasies. Being in such states consumes a lot of mental energy and distracts you from immediate reality, causing you to either miss the joys of life or react inadequately to dangerous situations.

5.Stubbornness in beliefs or opinions
Clutching onto your opinion tightly blinds you to the views of others, relies on your ignorance, and rejects opening your mind to new thinking. Reality is much more than any one of us can see; acknowledging only your path and denying the experiences of others is a valve closing energy flow.

6.Unclear relationships / undefined boundaries
Hanging in a state of uncertainty, not being entirely sure of what another person wants or feels, hoping it will resolve itself, or, conversely, having clarity about your position but keeping the other person in limbo without clear agreements or boundaries – all create a powerful energy leak.

7.Unconscious or excessive speech, gossip
Have you noticed how yoga and meditation masters speak less and thoughtfully? Excessive chatter, especially with a negative emotional charge, is a significant leak, and it's essential to remember that!

8.Dependencies or habitual behavior patterns
Being under the influence of narcotics, negative thought patterns, bad habits, irritability, and reactivity to triggers – all contribute to energetic depletion.