My years of practicing magic and alchemy have led me to become a seer...
My years of practicing magic and alchemy have led me to become a seer. It's a term from Carlos Castaneda's teachings for people who can see things on subtle planes. It's a supernatural ability where one perceives or "sees" a much broader range of phenomena and concepts of reality beyond the reach of ordinary rational means. This can include visions of events from the past, present, and future, reading minds, telepathy, visiting other "otherworldly" realms, communicating with their inhabitants, interacting with spirits, and more.

One thing that deeply struck me when I leaped into this state is how most people aren't the masters of their own lives; they are governed by the so-called forces of the matrix. The matrix thrives on suffering, negative emotions, especially suppressed ones, human vices, and absorbs vast amounts of human energy. Energy that could be directed towards love, creation, creativity, achievements, realizing dreams, and living a happy, vibrant, and empowered life.

During the webinar on February 8, 2023, for the "New Level" course participants, I shared how to get out of the matrix and become the master of one's own life. I decided to make it freely available to everyone interested.
The more people exit the paradigm of suffering, the happier the world will become, and we'll build a paradise on Earth, even within our lifetimes.

I'll address the questions received on this topic.

Is it always about me when someone behaves inappropriately in my presence? Should I use any techniques if their behavior doesn't affect me?

If the undesirable behavior of others doesn't affect you in any way, it's an indicator that you've already mastered that lesson, and there's nothing to worry about. You should engage in inner work if a situation or someone's behavior bothers you, offends you, seems unfair, wrong, or unacceptable. Here's a simple example from my personal life.

At some point, my eldest son started hating me deeply. And guess what? I was delighted! Why?

Firstly, I returned a karmic debt to him at that moment. Shortly before that, during regression hypnosis, I recalled an incarnation when he was my very harsh father, and I hated him so much that I drowned at the age of 19.

Secondly, it dawned on me that my son was currently working through his emotion of hatred towards the mother. So cool – in that incarnation, he helped me intensify my hatred towards parents, and in this one, I'm returning the favor. When I see someone being triggered by some "negative" emotion, I'm happy for them because I understand they're gaining valuable experiences, and eventually, they'll soar high. It might not be in this incarnation, but that's their personal matter and doesn't concern me.

When I shared this thought with my husband, he was upset, saying he couldn't believe our son hated me as he's such a good and reasonable person. Another acquaintance said something similar when her son started showing clear hatred towards her: "Understand, this isn't his stuff. Someone else projected it onto him." Do you think I argued with them? Of course not, because in both cases, my husband and the acquaintance were working on their non-acceptance of another person. Yes, when you feel ashamed that a loved one behaves so "ugly," when you want to justify their behavior by saying they are "good," and that this isn't really them – it's a non-acceptance of who they are, with all their baggage and imperfections. That's what radical forgiveness is – no division into "good" and "bad," just understanding how everything works and acceptance of this structure.

I've been avoiding places where people with low vibrations gather to prevent attracting negative entities.

It's a big misconception that you can get attached by others. As long as you carry the seed of any negative emotion within you, you'll resonate with the "other" and attract people who demonstrate it to you. What irritates you in others is a reflection of your own non-acceptance of the same trait. Personally, I go to the most "sinful" places and interact with people who have "harmed" me (as I used to believe), just to see if I've eradicated all darkness within or if something still sticks.

The morning after (when some entity infiltrated my space :-)), love wasn't flowing as freely...

If you don't carry the seed of a particular "negative" emotion, you become invisible to entities feeding on the emotional toxins of that emotion. You rise to higher planes where they can't reach you. As they say, "born to crawl, can't fly." So, the belief that entities can easily get into you is false.

Recently, I had a dream where a bony hand appeared from behind me on the right side and pushed me. The sensation of the push was so vivid in my body that I woke up slightly scared but mostly curious, "What was that, who, and why?"

When entities play tricks (push, wake, or scare you), it can happen for two reasons:

Some are harmless mischievous beings who do it just for fun, like little kids tripping each other and laughing when someone stumbles.
Those who follow you from life to life and are tired of you, seeking revenge for enslaving them. You should thank and release them.
Your dark power can help you deal with both types. Simply ask it to handle those under its jurisdiction. Let it sort out who's just playing and who's deliberately causing harm, then send each of them to where they belong: some to freedom and others to the Light of the Creator for transformation.

Contracts with entities

Some entities are hired by members of the matrix and the Dark Brotherhood to control you and drain your energy through suppressed emotions, fear, pain, or vices like a thirst for power and superiority over others, etc. They offer a false sense of power or superiority in exchange for your energy and will. But there are also those you hired yourself to work through some emotions, close certain karmic lessons in this life, or brought along from past lives where you enslaved them to practice witchcraft, black magic, or gather other dark experiences. Get rid of the first type (exorcism will help), thank the second type, and release them peacefully. You can't imagine how much I thanked the entity of lust – it brought so much pleasure into my life. Plus, I transcended it into Universal love for myself, humanity, life, and reached tantric unity through sexual union.

Lastly, I want to quote a group member about her work after the webinar: "I don't even know if I slept last night because every moment of sleep when I felt fear or negativity, I mentally thanked the entity for its help and released it, then immediately tuned into unconditional love within myself. I feel like it worked out perfectly!"