Some people are never satisfied, no matter what you do for them...
"Don't accept something even if you need it badly, especially if the giver does it begrudgingly, not from the heart. I had a conflict situation about this. I asked for something, but when I finally received it, I realized it wasn't given as a gift but rather as a favor, so I declined it. The point is, don't settle for less; it's essential to convince the person you're asking that you deserve more."

Some people are never satisfied, no matter what you do for them. Instead of genuine gratitude, they turn it into conflicts and keep demanding more, trying to "convince" you to give in. When someone responds to your request for help, and you not only fail to thank them but also accuse them of giving too little or with ulterior motives, you're creating an energy drain. Then you even start "reading their thoughts" and decide they didn't help from the heart but as a "favor," so you refuse their assistance openly.

You should understand that in such moments, you not only block possible help from that person but also universal abundance flows. If you want to "convince the person you're asking that you deserve more," start by being grateful for the "little" they do for you. The universe will notice your ability to appreciate and thank, and it will reward you either from the same person or through other sources.

I have a friend who trades on the stock market. He noticed that every time he thinks about me, he makes an excellent deal. So now, before each trade, he thinks of me and mentally thanks me. Then he sends me written thanks just for being there!

On the other hand, there are plenty of people I helped in various ways, including significant financial support, but all I got from them was problems, complaints, dissatisfaction, and accusations. Observing them, I see that not only did they lose me as a patron and friend, but the universal abundance flows were also cut off for them. Some have been struggling for years, wondering why they have such "bad luck."

Being able to receive is not just about asking for help and accepting it; it's also about genuinely thanking for it. There should be an energy exchange in everything. When someone invests energy in you through money, time, or valuable advice, support the energy balance with sincere gratitude, either in words or actions. The person doing good for you wants to feel appreciated and well-treated; they certainly don't want to encounter accusations, complaints, or suspicions of ulterior motives.

I hope I've clarified things. If not, feel free to ask, and we'll delve deeper.