The awakened state of Kundalini is not always pleasant and delightful; sometimes, it is painful and agonizing...
Awakened Kundalini is not always pleasant and delightful; sometimes, it's painful and tormenting.

The body transforms into a massive ball of fire. Instead of a spine, there's a taut, heated string with hot, pricking needles protruding from it, sending electric currents into every cell of your burning body. It feels like you're burning alive from the inside, either the witch on the stake or a person mistakenly thrown into the mouth of a living crematorium. It's a fiery inferno, no other way to describe it.

"What do you want to teach me, Kundalini?" I asked my serpent when this fervent awakening happened to me for the first time. Back then, in the winter of 2015, a group of seven of us went to Brazil. After a night of torment, I found the other six in a very sorry state: vomiting, diarrhea, fever – everyone except me. So, you were healing me, burning the virus out of my body?

Kundalini is also known as a spiritual healer. It clears all energetic channels, burning away any blocks and emotional residues, opening all chakras, allowing energy to flow freely from your heart up to the Divine and down to Mother Earth. Recently, I went through an intensive cleanse at the mental and consciousness levels, and now the energetic and physical bodies are catching up since they are the "heaviest" and slowest.

It's truly not just powerful but literally very hot energy. A Kundalini yoga teacher I know once shook so violently during an awakening that her cervical vertebrae shifted, and she had to undergo treatment for six months. Another acquaintance was taken away in an ambulance with burns along the spinal column.

During my numerous awakenings (lost count after 15), Kundalini has played the roles of a teacher, lover, source of energy, inspiration, joy, ecstasy, and now, for the second time, becomes my healer. Thank you, my dear! But your temperament is sometimes not for the faint-hearted...