

"Now I understand why the gods crave the human body. It's a pity I can't show you all this beauty," I often said to my partner during sex...
"Now I understand why the gods crave the human body. It's a pity I can't show you all this beauty," I often said to my partner during sex. It was sad and frustrating that I couldn't convey to humanity all that a sexual connection with another human can offer. I told him that when we become really wealthy, I'll hire animators to recreate all this Magnificence and Divine ecstasy, to show him and others.

And now I'm jumping with joy because I finally managed to partially show you the worlds I inhabit during orgasm. When I saw this video, it felt like my third eye opened, and now I can clearly project into the screen what's happening in my mind. Thanks to the creators for hearing my call to the Universe, giving me the opportunity to share with humanity what a true ORGASM means and what the human body is capable of.

The video shows just one of the thousands of worlds I visit during sex. But I'm grateful for that much. It's already a big leap.
It's SO much more profound and powerful than bodily sensations, brain work, techniques, practices, or definitions! It's the infamous tantric union, a continuous flow, movement, dying, and rebirth, mandalas, fractals, sacred geometry—all in one and all one, infinitely. And it's no longer about male-female, sexual acts, emotions, bodies, humanity, or even the cosmos and other galaxies.

You should understand that it doesn't end with this three-dimensional visualization. In these moments, there's no body, no consciousness, no time, no space—you simply transform into this amazing, blissful, ever-moving vibration, turning into Multidimensionality, Source, Perfection, Absolute, Beauty, and Love: boundless, unconditional, sublime, and divine. That's what the true GOD is for me, and I am just a particle of this divine magnificence.

And the second video—where my acquaintance with myself during tantric union and the exploration of Universal orgasm began.
As I ascended, everything gained more details, colors, and shades (like in the first video). In the realms where I now dwell, everything is not as multicolored but more white, golden, shimmering not like silver, but more like mercury. And you vibrate as if you've turned into a high-voltage conductor emitting a beam that pierces through all galaxies, times, and dimensions.

P.S. I briefly encountered tantric practices in 1991, began practicing in 2013, and seriously and purposefully approached this matter only a year ago! Although you could count my priestess past as well.

P.S.S. These are worlds I never even imagined, 'cause how can you dream of something you don't even know exists yet?